We weren't looking to buy a new place when we drove up to Suncrest the first time - but being the outdoorsy type folks, kind of got stopped in our tracks with what we saw and how it felt like being in some little mountain town. So, we more or less bought it on impulse.
Had no idea we were getting a place that came with it's very own weather system. Here's what we didn't bargain for - or at least underestimated:

Pretty typical look at the front yard in the winter
Figuring out where to put the latest 12 inches of fresh snow is not an uncommon problem
There is an entrance to the house on the level below where Annie and the kids are standing - it's perfectly functional come March or April, but fairly worthless and impassable around the time this photo was taken.

This is what a Super Bowl tailgate party looks like in Suncrest - veggie tray on the back of an ATV. Served during a break from shoveling after church and before the big game.

Not unlikely that this is the 2nd or 3rd round of plowing in a day.
And here's what we did bargain for, but also underestimated. It ain't a bad thing to wake up and go to sleep looking at this kind of stuff out the back windows/deck.

I think it will be 4 years this year, and as pretty as it is to look at, it's even better as a playground if you dig the outdoors. Can't think of many places I'd rather live....
couldn't agree more. although the 12 inches this week nearly killed me to remove.
Jdub, I love Suncrest! this week it will be nearly 80 degrees and the snow will be gone. I can't handle another round of snow.
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