Annie went to a Yoga retreat today, and I owe her a bunch free time, so I volunteered to stay home with the kids all day. Couldn't join the Zeph on his road ride, so threw in the Alpine Classics video I got for the new trainer and climbed the Alp d'Huez - it really is a pretty fantastic piece of equipment thus far, the motorbrake system seems to work flawlessly with the grades of the mountains/descents. Can't say as much for the rider, I cracked pretty hard trying to be a hero and ended up having to get in 2nd to granny gear and spin my way up it. This thing may be my saving grace for the Leadville goal - plenty of fun and challenging stuff with it to keep me on task with conditioning - and I've got enough conditioning to do that there will be plenty of late nights on this thing... after the day/post work rides with the gang between now and August if I hope to have a shot at it. Like hell week at the beginning of football season - two a days until I'm in shape.
Just got an email from Sam who'll be spectating at the Tour of California tomorrow - said he's going with the man capris vs. the speedo and wasn't clear on if he was going to take a quick sprint with the lead group or not. I've got it set to record just in case, we'll see.
Have a new guy for the hardcore spinners - was about 5 minutes into a class last week when dude decides to one up the full kit and walks in with full length tights - not sure if they were bib tights or just plain ol tights - but really, it matters not, the dude's hardcore and I think he won the spin class.
really...the first ride you tried on the new trainer was Alp d'Huez? the queen mother of all tdf routes.
your crack serves you right.
you want to see crack? wait till next weekend, I will show you crack (meaning "to bonk" not "to disrobe" I reserve the latter for epic trail days.
Yep - rookie mistake. Didn't think the trainer could work that well along with underestimating that mountain. It cracked me fairly early on in the route - even counted down the switchbacks for me in a cruel manner meaning they got closer and closer in distance, yet further and further in time it took to make the next one.
Until I see you come up short on one of your mad sprints to the car - I'm not buying the theory that the great Zeph cracks - just steady as the day is long.
J-Dub- What's the chances of me doing a little TT on your trainer? I saw Sams stats and gotta know where I stack up!
Jon James
Dude I know you got some numbers quit holding back and let me see em!
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