Saturday, December 5, 2009

Mother of all house forts

Annie and Kylie flew to Denver for a girls weekend - claim that I'm earning some race equity with the wife for some weekends next year by giving them a break while chilling at home with the two pre k's. Annie would probably tell you she's still got some collecting to do before I start ramping up any equity in that bank. Either way it makes for a fun time for Annie and Kylie, and it leaves me and the pre k's to our own devices. So what do we do????

1 - Pizza and gigantic sugar cookies we decorated with frosting for dinner, late night movies - Rudolph and Frosty - twice for Rudolph, and slumber party in dad's bed where I collected one elbow to the ear and groin kicks - one from each kid - over the course of the night - offset by their being good cuddlers when not kicking.

Chesney comes from Venus - she took her time, put some thought into it, ultimately deciding to not even eat it, preferring instead to save it and show it/give it to Mom and Kylie when they get back.
Brock is from Mars - and said "why the hell waste time putting this on the cookie"?

2 - Padding the race equity account by taking care of some Christmas related returns/purchases that I knew Annie needed done . Not sure what the fuss is about hauling young kids around stores - they were great....... until they weren't. And once they weren't, they never went back to being great. And then I began the fine balancing act of communicating enough violence without inflicting it, in a manner that would convince the kids that the threat was for real and everyone else gathering around to watch that they really come from a loving and safe home environment, mostly. And then facing the unfortunate realization that neither party was buying what I was trying to sell.

3 - Building the mother of all living room forts... Behold....

Materials used - two couches, kitchen table, large ottoman, one spin bike, two kitchen chairs, and some blankets. There is a working stove, bunkbeds, a bag of cheeto's and some drinks, and probably a few more days worth of rations in there. They haven't come out for what's going on about an hour now...


Eber said...

they figured Florida was getting worked so no point in coming out.

Jason said...

Yep - not often you see Urban's troops get taken behind the woodshed like that.